2017년 3월 8일 수요일

2nd DFOG to kDNF

From 2nd DFOG to kDNF, DFO Nexus was included into the scene.

Any Italic texts are Translator's Note.

1. How optimistic are DnF players about the future of DnF and where it's headed? What DnF players generally want to see in the future of DnF? (For example: More balance, more content, more classes, etc) – DFOC Racky, Rec’d 13 Times

Whatever it is, something that’s better.. I’m feeling that everything’s terrible now, and yet the fact that there’s part that gets worse brings chill on my spine. – Ruliweb Nickname Red Ideal, Rec’d 4 Times.

No more classes, but balance [*between classes] please… - Ruliweb Nickname **Fre/nda (프레/ㄴ다), Rec’d 3 Times. [**T/N: For this nickname, refer ‘Trivia’ section of this webpage (http://toarumajutsunoindex.wikia.com/wiki/Frenda_Seivelun)]

I just hope all 2nd awakenings are released properly… It’s already a mess that there’s no hope in this. – Ruliweb Nickname Jariche. (자리체.), Rec’d 2 Times.

2. How much do Koreans "listen" to tier lists when making OV parties? Do they care about what class somebody is playing or do they base it on what kind of gear the person has rather than what their subclass is? – DFOC Branzilla Rec’d 11 Times

In Korea, people go OV via unified server, so Community Party and Regular Party co-exists.
In Regular Party, they do care a lot about class and equipment. On the other hand, Community Party does not care about class as long as equipment standards are met.
Such standards differs from party to party, but in general it’s at least +10 of Rare Weapon [T/N: of at level], 90 Exorcism, Avatar set with Bronze Emblems, and unlocked Sub-equip and Magic Stone Slot. – Ruliweb Nickname Memory No.???, Rec’d 4 Times.
[*T/N: Community Party is type of party where players in same community (not necessarily just a guild, but more like fansite/community) arrange a party, then actually form party in-game.]

As balance between each class is a mess, in Korea there are many cases where people look at class first.
It’s not a good thing, but it just goes like that.
So Neople, take care of this balance please. – Ruliweb Nickname Circlet, Rec’d 4 Times.

It looks like people look at the class first. – Ruliweb Nickname Fre/nda (프레/ㄴ다), Rec’d 1 Time.

3. How well do you think Neople will handle priest second awakenings? – DFOC DarkAsura, Rec’d 6 Times

*‘I kill you, Meow!’ Quality. – Ruliweb Nickname Rikazzing (리카찡), Rec’d 4 Times. [T/N: This is reference to semi-meme from Witch’s 2nd awakening, the homunculus of Pluto]

Crusader = Success, Monk and Avenger = Mixed, Exorcist = Fail
I’m expecting like that. – Ruliweb Nickname Hyulick (
휴릭), Rec’d 2 Times.

As developers already hate priests… It could come out decently unlike many thinks,
but to think about qualities of new skills released nowadays I expect reused sprite + covers large area + [*graphical] effect spammed all over it.
It’s certain that it’s not going to be 2nd awakening that perfects overall characters, for sure. – Ruliweb Nickname Matitneun Sura (
맛있는 수라, lit. Delicious Sura, Sura here could possibly mean Asura class, or old Korean term for ‘Meal for King’), Rec’d 1 Time. Fastest among answers who received same number of recommendation.

4. What do they suggest Veteran players do since the game is starting off completely fresh and we'll have potentially the largest impact on the market. How can we get our economy off on the right foot? – DFON Masaki, Rec’d 8 Times

Whatever it is, there should be constant flow of new users and banning of hack use. Without users, there only exists gold from bots. – Ruliweb Nickname Matitneun Sura (맛있는 수라, lit. Delicious Sura), Rec’d 3 Times

Keep your eyes on Korean servers, and buy avatar/gears that’s going to make good money out of it.. (Book of Classchange avatars, *Absolute Field, Ignis, other dress-up avatars)
It’s not as monopolizing the market, but as you wouldn’t at least lose so much money later when you want them.
Price increments/decrements are so bad, and big merchants’ intervenes into market so seriously, so it’s important to foresee things if you want to save your bacon. – Ruliweb Nickname Jariche. (
자리체.), Rec’d 3 Times. [*I’m assuming he’s talking about Gaiter Belt Avatar from Elementalist Book of Classchange avatar set. Why does he mention it as Absolute Field, refer here(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zettai_ry%C5%8Diki)

Even Korean servers’ item prices go haywire if big merchant starts doing something…QQ – Ruliweb Nickname Gido (기도, lit, ‘Prayer’), Rec’d 1 Times.

5. What nicknames does the kdnf community have for Kiri? – DFON DFOMarra, Rec’d 4 Times

Just put any bad words you can think of and put it on her. – Ruliweb Nickname Hyulick (휴릭), Rec’d 6 Times.

Most of bad words you could use on Female. - Ruliweb Nickname Verhi (베르히), Rec’d 5 Times.

*Fking Kiri Bitch? …How would you translate this? – Ruliweb Nickname Gido (기도), Rec’d 4 Times. [*Original text for ‘Fking Kiri Bitch’ is ‘ㅅㅂ키리년’. The first two incomplete Korean is Net slang for 시발,which is pretty much equivalent of US ‘Fuck’. It’s often used as those incomplete Korean in Korean web to avoid filtering.]

6. What does the PvP community think of the revamped General Arena vs Fair Arena? - DFON Running Wild, Rec’d 2 Times

Personally, I liked fair arena better. No need to worry about repair cost, does not cost [that much] gold, and being able to purchase PvP gears with seals.
Nowadays, I really like the fact that you can enter [PvP Arena] from character level 35, yet character level’s fixed at 85 in PvP arena.
However, you can only equip gears based on your character level in town, and you get more attributes, or stat number’s higher based on item grade [*rarity], that seems like it needs more solution for it.
I wonder what would have happen if they made **PvP Arena 2 as Fair Arena.- Ruliweb Nickname Elraim, Rec’d 3 times. [** I’m uncertain whether he/she wanted to mean Practice Arena or something else by this.]

If you ask my personal opinion, I don’t like it. Fair Arena truly felt like *‘Fight of hands’.. and of course there were many unbalanced classes, but it’s nowhere near what we have nowadays. – Ruliweb Nickname Chitogedaisuki (치토게다이스키, It’s Japanese written in Korean. Lit. [*I] Love Chitoge so much.), Rec’d 2 times. [*I think he/she meant to say like a true competition of skills rather than competition of gear]

1. Item Balance
Back in Fair arena things were good.. Items were mostly fixed, it was from Fair Arena when avatar stats were not applied, and it was also from Fair Arena where players were given separate build for PvP Arena only. Back then we used [1st] awakening actives in regular PvP arena when fooling around. Sometimes higher ranked player with exclusive gear massacred lower ranked players, but it wasn’t so serious.
Nowadays in PvP Arena, all item options are standardized. You can enter with all your gears, but attributes are changed into PvP Arena Standard. Items which were used in old PvP Arena (Particularly Lower level items) are all screwed.
Then what do you equip? Epic items. Options are standardized but it’s not same. Item with highest level requirement and highest rarity became the best gear. To think you need to invest a lot of money proportional to item rarity in DNF, I don’t think it’s a good change. Though, what’s good is the fact that difference between each rarity isn’t all that huge, and just by playing PvP it’s possible to get Legendary (It’s considered right below Epic gears) items. About PvP reward I’ll cover it in later part.

2. Character Balance
DNF was not the game with perfect balance between characters from start. However, In PvP, you can overcome [balance] with practice and study. It’s a balance you can certainly make tier list out of it, but unless it’s dead counter of certain character, for the most part it can be countered. When Fair Arena was changed into current arena, all characters’ speed got overall faster. Thanks to that, characters whose slow speed was major cons became whole lot better in PvP.
Right now the biggest problem in Character Balancing is Neople. It looks like when they are adding new character, they never think about PvP Arena. I can’t forget all those F words around when Vagabond was allowed to enter PvP Arena for the first time.

3. Reward
One thing that current PvP arena is certainly better than Fair Arena is quality of the reward. Players can get more favorable grade of item (Legendary) by PvP, which has attributes that makes it viable choice even for PvE. Additional XP, Growth Potion (exp x2), a pot that could possibly give up to Epic item is little bonus to that.
What’s problem compared to this quality [of reward] is difficulty. Options of PvP items (High base stats, Exclusive appearance, additional stat increase, additional option that’s proportional to PvP rank, being able to switch out to other gears while still benefitting from buff) lured many users into PvP Arena, but even more users turned away from PvP arena due to atrocious condition of obtaining it.
The process of getting PvP exclusive gears are like, players gather points from regular PvP arena, then get to Death match styled consecutive matchup called Coliseum to collect PvP arena only currency, but this process itself is takes very long time, and it takes a lot of those currencies [to obtain PvP gears]. After hundreds of Coliseum runs, unlucky ones would just not get what they desire (It’s work of Neople who loves randomizing things, so even reward from Coliseum is complete random.), and many players are tired out of this. It’s certainly not a thing which PvE players could just start PvP and easily obtain.

To sum it down
Balance depends on players’ circumstance so it’s hard to tell, but new characters tend to be OP (Blame Neople for this!)
Reward is good, but if you want to play PvP just for those rewards, I’d say give up.
If you ask me whether PvP is fun or not without considering anything else, then I would say Yes. Just like it was back in Fair Arena, so does current PvP Arena. – Ruliweb Nickname Nikmandeulgineunjotnaguichaneunilie (닉만들기는ㅈ나귀찮은일이에, lit. ‘t’s so freaking annoying to come up with nickname.’ Original Korean is not complete text possibly due to length limit on nickname in Ruliweb.), Rec’d 1 Time

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